Saturday, June 03, 2006

this is a fresh start, this is a new day

I'm thinking I'll begin posting here to keep up with people I miss who might have some inclination to keep up with my...adventures? I'm still trying to get this to look and operate the way I want it to (I'm a little spoiled to my other, private diary site, so anything other than that makes me a little cranky), so do give me suggestions/comments/complaints about the layout of this one if you hate it. [Tangent: I used to use livejournal and may go back there because comfort is pretty high on my list of important elements in a blog site, but I think LJ (and this is just my personal, pissy opinion) is a real pain in the arse and doesn't give you a lot of options...and is full of posers, scenesters, and emo kids complaining about their parents and S.O.'s. (When did I get to be such a cranky pseudo-adult? Make me stop. I don't want to be that person.)]

So I'll be posting here about life after SMU, I guess. For now that begins with Teach for America (my first interview is on TUESDAY!) and includes all sorts of things, like finding an apartment, paying my own bills for the first time in my life, and trying to learn how to keep writing when there's no one giving me a grade for it. Sound exciting? Yeah, to me too, let me tell you.

If you're reading this and I know you IRL, I probably miss you, so tell yourself I do, okay? Say, "Mallory misses you and wishes you could still pop by her little studio apartment on Binkley Ave. in Dallas so that you could sit out on the stoop and complain about things or go to Snookie's and have too many bad martinis...or any of the other things you and I might have done together."

current music: Imogen Heap, "Hide and Seek"


Anonymous said...

I don't know if you use your dashboard, but I believe there's a blogger widget if you do. That might help with the comfort factor.

I'm so excited for you, Mallory.

Also, "Hide and Seek" is one of my favorite songs :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, there is a widget :)

mallorywrites said...

I don't have Dashboard. I definitely got my PowerBook before that little thing called Tiger came out. I could have gone back and upgraded, but I didn't because I'm lazy and not tech-savvy enough. I have such a strange relationship with computers and technology. I'm like some kind of scared groupie...

Anonymous said...

I wish you'd have mentioned that, we could have done an upgrade pretty easily... holler next time you're in town.

And I love the user picture. Taco Diner rocks!

mallorywrites said...

How can we do it easily without my having to pay an arm and a leg?

Anonymous said...

shhh. there are ways.

mallorywrites said...

Oh, I see. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more.